Now! Google Bard is Good Than GPT4

Why Google Bard is Good Than GPT4, With knowledge grounding, safety guardrails, personalization, and continuous training, Google Bard looks advanced enough to compete with forthcoming models like GPT-4 today. And Bard’s launch quality and future progress should keep it state-of-the-art as conversational AI evolves.

The comparison between Google Bard AI and GPT-4 is subjective and depends on specific use cases. Some users have found Bard AI to be useful for tasks such as analyzing objects and dealing with images, while others have expressed preference for GPT-4, especially for more thoughtful and serious answers

While no system is perfect yet, Bard chatbot moves the needle significantly on usable, helpful, and trustworthy AI. It may set the standard for safe assisted intelligence in the years ahead that tangibly improves people’s lives.

Why Google Bard is Good Than GPT4?

Google recently unveiled Bard, its conversational AI system that can understand context, admit mistakes, and acquire new knowledge. Bard aims to compete with ChatGPT and other large language models like GPT-4.

While GPT-4 is not available yet, Bard appears advanced enough to match or exceed its capabilities based on what we know so far.

Bard Leverages Google’s Search Index and Knowledge Graph

One key advantage Bard has over GPT-4 is access to Google’s vast search index and Knowledge Graph. With over 100 billion indexed web pages and structured data on over 500 million entities, Bard can provide more accurate, up-to-date information than existing chatbots. It should avoid generating false information like GPT models sometimes do.

Bard spokesperson Zoubin Ghahramani stated: “Bard seeks to combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge with the power, intelligence and creativity of our large language models.” This knowledge integration sets Bard apart.

Bard Can Admit Mistakes and Improve

Another differentiation is Bard’s ability to acknowledge errors and learn from them over time. As a conversational agent, it will confess knowledge gaps and work to fill them by searching the web and Google’s datasets.

For example, Bard admitted early mistakes about the James Webb telescope in response to journalist questions. The team then corrected its knowledge, enabling more accurate answers later. This fix-and-learn approach will likely keep Bard’s quality and accuracy high over long conversations.

Bard Focuses Heavily on Safety

Google prioritizes safety with all AI projects, but especially conversational systems like Bard interacting broadly with users. Extensive testing occurred over several years to ensure high standards before launch.

Key safety measures include:

  • Sensitivity reviewers: Google employees spanning gender, geographies, and marginalized groups reviewed Bard’s responses to reduce potential harm.
  • Grounding responses: Bard grounds responses in real-world facts and events to avoid generating misinformation.
  • Cite sources: Bard will cite its information sources so users can fact check as needed.
  • Refuse inappropriate requests: Bard will not provide dangerous advice or generate problematic content.

These guardrails should prevent issues with racism, misogyny, violence, or falsehoods that occasionally occurred with previous chatbots.

Bard Offers Personalization and Helpfulness

Bard aims higher than having mere conversations. As an AI assistant, it seeks to provide personalized help, recommendations, and actions that improve people’s lives.

For example, integrations with Gmail could suggest scheduling times to follow up with key contacts or emails left unanswered too long. Or Docs integration might recommend sources and links to add while writing documents.

Bard can also take actions via voice commands, like ordering groceries or playing specific music. These capabilities set it apart from chat-only systems.

Bard Will Keep Improving Over Time

While impressive at launch, Bard represents only the beginning of conversational AI according to Google CEO Sundar Pichai. Continuous training on new data will expand its knowledge and capabilities rapidly.

Google plans to roll out Bard slowly to gather user feedback for improvement too. And the company’s leading natural language processing and neural network talent will keep enhancing the system.

Over time, Bard could match GPT-4 in raw text generation ability. But its real advantage comes from search integration, helpfulness focus, safety measures, and continuous progress after launch. You can read this discussion at reddit.

What are the Limitations of Google Bard and Chat GPT 4?

Here are some potential limitations for Google Bard and GPT-4:

Limitations of Google Bard

  • Accuracy: While advanced, Bard will make factual mistakes like any AI system. It relies on indexed knowledge that may sometimes be outdated or biased. Users should verify any critical information provided.
  • Lack of common sense: Bard may occasionally give nonsensical or illogical responses that expose gaps in its understanding of the real world. Making progress on common sense reasoning remains an AI challenge.
  • Narrow applications: At launch, Bard aims to provide helpful information to users’ questions and take simple actions via voice commands. It likely does not have expertise for niche domains or complex reasoning tasks yet.
  • Reliance on internet access: Bard requires internet connectivity to serve users and access Google’s constantly updated datasets and indexes. Performance could suffer or fail without access.

Limitations of GPT-4

  • Hallucinated content: Like GPT-3, the forthcoming GPT-4 risks generating fictional content due to having no grounding in real-world facts. This could prove misleading to users.
  • No safety guardrails: OpenAI implemented some safety measures in GPT-3, but may not go as far with GPT-4. Without careful content filtering, it could produce toxic language or biased outputs.
  • No personal knowledge: GPT models derive all knowledge from training data rather than personal interaction and learning. So responses lack a persistent memory and understanding of individual users.
  • Narrow skillset: While excellent at text generation, GPT-based models currently lack capabilities for understanding images, taking meaningful actions, or integrating knowledge sources.

Summery, The key differentiator is that Bard aims to mitigate its limitations over time via continuous learning and integration of external knowledge like Google Search. GPT-4 will likely remain bounded as a text generation model without similar mechanisms for improvement after launch.CopyRetry

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